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Going through the handover process is a huge step in yacht ownership. Here's some of the resources we've created based on our research and experience, to help you along the way.

Catamaran Handover Check List

We developed this handover check list based on issues we noticed have commonly been found across Leopard 45 and 50 models. It's not a exhaustive list of what you should test and examine during the handover period, but it gives you a good place to start.


While it was primarily written for newer Leopard Catamarans, we've uploaded it in multiple formats so that you can download and edit it to include your own notes or information if you're buying a catamaran built by another production yacht manufacturer including Seawind, Fountaine Pajot (FP), Nautitech, Lagoon, Xquisite and Bali.

Feel free to reach out on Facebook with any questions or to share your versions.

Catamaran Handover Check List

Checklist in Microsoft Excel format

Checklist in PDF format

Checklist in Open Source format

Adding to the checklist, this video is a quick look at 10 of the main things we think are worth checking when buying or collecting a production catamaran. It is not just based on our catamaran, other owners have contacted us for advice and opinions on their new boats so we've incorporated their feedback, as well as  information from various owners groups.

Yacht catamaran new handover help

Tap Testing a Catamaran

As mentioned in our handover check list and the video above, we absolutely think it's worth tap testing the hull when handing over a fiberglass boat. It is an affordable and accessible way to perform a quick check for discrepancies in the hull, which could be a void, delamination or dry fiberglass. 

We go into more detail on how to do this in the video, including showing what kinds of sounds you're listening for, what type of hammer to use and what else tap testing can be useful for.

Tap Testing
Yacht catamaran new handover help tap testing
Brokers and Warranty

Implications of Yacht Brokers on Warranty

After the experience we have had, we've done a few videos discussing new yacht warranty and the implication your choice of broker can have.


This series of 3 videos contained general information as well as specifics on what was done in relation to our experience.

Yacht catamaran new handover help
Yacht catamaran new handover help
Yacht catamaran new handover help

Part 1 started with an update on our situation at the time, followed by an explanation of our current feelings towards Robertson & Caine as boat builder and Leopard Catamarans as a yacht broker. We discuss opinions on some things we think are going wrong, what's been done right and how they may be able to improve moving forward.


In Part 2, we discuss the implications of which broker or entity you choose to buy a new yacht or catamaran from. We encourage future yacht buyers to ask the right questions, for example:


  1. Who will pay for my warranty repairs if they exceed X amount? 

  2. Where will the money be coming from?

  3. How much capital does the yacht broker need to have to support issues that may arise?

  4. If you need to litigate to get paid for warranty rectification by the chosen broker, are they likely to pay out or close, declare bankruptcy and reopen?


Part 3 is more specific to Leopard Catamarans that are still under warranty, but may also be of interest to people considering which catamaran to buy and from which broker.


Shortly after arriving in Trinidad, we also made a video that detailed what our Robertson & Caine warranty was worth financially, and our experience of going through the process including the final outcome.

Yacht catamaran new handover help Robertson & Caine
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